Friday, December 12, 2008

This & That Bullet Syle

~I am loving my little flip video, it is so much fun. But I need to learn more about what I can do with it.

~This video of Karlee is part of our morning ritual....We get her milk and climb in my bed and cuddle and snuggle. My favorite time of the day with her. I love this kid so much it's crazy but no doubt she can work my nerves and push me to the limit some days.

~Went to the gym for the first time this week and it felt so good. I made it 4 times last week. I am almost to my 10lb goal by x-mas. I am down 8lbs and still drinking my brew!

~I woke up with a stomach bug on Monday morning. Hadn't felt that bad since I was sick in China! I don't get sick often, but when I do, I do it well! Thursday was my first day of normalcy. All that and didn't lose a pound!

~ Don't know if its PMS or not but I have been very emotional lately. After the gym today, I stopped by Sonic for my treat, a route 44 diet Dr. Pepper and started crying. I am sure the girl was wondering what the heck was wrong, so was I.

~Funny, after so many years of trying to get pregnant, I always new where I was at in my cycle. Now,I couldn't tell you when my last period was! I just know it's come and gone!

~The thought of getting pregnant now scares the shit out of me! Too old and its just plain too late! I hope God understands that! Ya, go ahead and laugh!!!

~Oops I hit publish instead of save! I am not quite done yet!

~ We have a dear friend battling cancer and it saddens me so.. It makes you feel so helpless to know that there's nothing you can do to fix it!

~ That's me, I try to fix everything. Sometimes that gets me into trouble! I just hate to see others suffer for whatever reason.

~ I have presents bought and wrapped! But not near finished. DH is always so hard to buy for but I have something up my sleeve! Hope it all works out!

~ Why does it take so long for You tube to upload? Yes, I am doing this while I wait! Maybe it's my slow as hell computer?? That I can't fix either!

~ I woke up with yet another darn pimple! WTHeck, I am 38 years old and I have more break outs than I did as a teenager! Somethings wrong here!

~ Ok Im done for now.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dad's X-mas Party

Karlee and Peyton for whatever reason thought it was so much fun to crawl and dust the floor. I don't know number the band is playing but remember we live in South Texas!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Trying out the flip video

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